Why Choose Better Sporting Dogs

Why Choose Better Sporting Dogs

It’s no secret that there are cheaper dog agility kits out there, but we at Better Sporting Dogs believe in delivering quality.  We want to show you where your hard earned dollars are going if buy one of our kits.  Check out a few of the reasons Better Sporting Dogs prides itself in affordable quality equipment.

Agility kits:

Our tunnels have a pitch less than 1 foot. Pitch is the distance between steel supporting rings within a tunnel. The more steel supporting rings, the sturdier the tunnel. Other agility kits have pitches that are 1.5 feet or more which cause their tunnels to be saggy and misshapen.

Our agility kits include black end caps on all of our obstacles. Black end caps prevent dirt or dust from getting into the pipes. They also make the bases more stable. Other kits neglect black end caps.

Our kits include strong durable 5-way connectors.  Other kits include black 5 way connectors which are prone to splitting and breaking. 

Our tire jumps are not made from flexible corrugated tubbing. This tubing is flimsy and usually falls apart easily. 

Our weave poles include full fixed bases. Other kits include stake in the ground type weave poles which cannot be used outside or weave poles that have only half of a base making them prone to falling over.

Our agility kits are designed by dog agility enthusiast for dog agility enthusiast. Other dog agility kits are designed for maximum profit by compromising features. 

Contact Equipment:

Our dog agility see saw includes a patented steel base that takes seconds to assemble and disassemble. Our competitors use wooden bases that can take hours, extra tools and labor to assemble (we know we have tried)

Our see saw base is a solid steel base, our competitors use wood bases that are prone to cracking.

Our A frame and see saw includes textured surfaces which we have honed over the years to be a good mixture of rough enough to allow your dogs paws to grip but also comfortable enough- other cheaper contact equipment lacks any kind of texturing to save cost and leads to a slippery unusable surface.

Our A frames are made of expensive solid wood sheets. We pay for high quality wood that is less likely to crack or have imperfections. Our competitors use plywood hastily assembled, poor painting and finishing techniques, which falls apart after weeks. The reviews speak for themselves. 

Our Brand:

We are USA based team of passionate dog owners who care about the dog agility community. We get a lot of joy out of backyard casual dog agility and we love sharing our experiences with others who want to give this sport a try. Many of our competitors have never owned a dog let alone taken part in any kind of dog agility. 

Our brand is consistently at the front of the pack when it comes to innovating product features which are later copied by cheaper brands. 

We support the dog community through donations to dog rescues, participating in industry trade events and active engagement with community. Our competitors don’t often take time to invest in the community.

With that, we cannot thank you enough for supporting Better Sporting Dogs through your patronage. Unleash the champion in your dog!

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